Some of you may wonder: why is she writing about dogs? The truth is, I've spent most of my life with dogs. When I don't have a dog (like now), I miss having a dog in my life.
Before I got my own dog right after I got married, I researched the Internet, read breed books and spent time talking to dog trainers, breeders, dog rescues and handlers and attended a few dog shows. When I got my puppy, a spunky Sheltie, I was on cloud nine. We did puppy kindergarten and we got briefly involved in agility. Sadly, five years later my beautiful dog passed away.
It's been about a year and a half since, and about three months ago I started to get the itch again -- to add a dog to our family. This time, however, my husband and I have a three-year-old son. I'll take you through my renewed research (much has changed since I researched six-seven years ago!) and help you find the right dog for you. If you already own a dog, you'll find tips and book recommendations. I'm a big believer in the informed consumer. I'll also keep you posted on my journey in finding the right pet for our family.